House Urges People to Defer ‘Mudik’

23-04-2020 / PIMPINAN

House Speaker Dr. (H.C.) Puan Maharani urged people to defer “mudik” (annual exodus) for the 2020 Eid al-Fitr celebration to prevent the spread of COVID-19, saying that preventing people from traveling home to celebrate Idul Fitri would be tough but suspending the journey would do much to curb the spread of COVID-19 to other regions, particularly since major cities like Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi have been classified as COVID-19 red zones.  


“I realize how precious it is to see your parents and relatives in this annual celebration. However, to do this during the COVID-19 pandemic means you are accelerating the risk of spreading the virus to your beloved ones. You may look healthy but it doesn’t mean that you don’t carry the virus in your system, and you might unknowingly spread it to people you come in contact with as you travel,” said Maharani after distributing essential food supplies to employees and residents around the Parliament complex, at Nusantara Building III, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (23/4/2020).  


The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle politician said that the distribution of free essential food supplies was a gesture of social solidarity (gotong royong) that we all need right now. “It is in times like these that the spirit of gotong royong, where we all band together as a community, is needed the most. The House of Representatives leaders urged everyone to preserve and demonstrate the spirit of gotong royong, Maharani affirmed. The 9,000 packages of free food supplies were provided in collaboration between the Indonesian House of Representatives and Bank Bukopin. 


Meanwhile, on the same occassion, Maharani expressed her appreciation for the Social Assistance (Bansos) programs – both distributed and currently prepared – from the central and local governments for people who are impacted by the implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). “This kind of incentive is vital for people to remain calm as they stay in and follow the PSBB order,” the Middle Java legislator added. 


Several prominent figures were also attending the meeting, namely three Deputy Speakers of the Indonesian House of Representatives M. Azis Syamsuddin, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, and Rachmat Gobel, Deputy Chair of the Administration Committee of the Indonesian House Achmad Dimyati Natakusumah, Deputy Chair of Commission I (defense, foreign and information affairs) Utut Adianto, President Director of Bank Bukopin Eko Rahmansyah Gindo, Secretary General of the Indonesian House Indra Iskandar, and officials and staff of the Secretariat General and Parliamentary Expertise Agency of the Indonesian House. Both the Leaders of the Indonesian House and recipients of the food supplies followed the COVID-19 infection prevention protocol throughout the event. (pun/sf) 

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