State Budget Formulation
Determination of the State Budget (APBN)
In performing its tasks and authorities, the DPR conducts the following activities :
- Preliminary deliberation with the government and Bank Indonesia in the context of preparing the APBIV;
- Discussion and determination of the APBN preceded by the conveyance of BILL regarding APBN together with the Statement of Account by the President;
- Discussion of realized report of semester I and Prognosis of the next 6 (six) months.
- Discussion and stipulation of the Bill regarding Amendment to Law concerning APBN; and
- Discussion and stipulation of Bill regarding the Accountability of the Implementation of the APBN.
A. Preliminary Deliberation
The preliminary deliberation in the context of the preparation of APBN shall be conducted in the middle of may at the latest, including :
- the framework of macro economy of the subsequent fiscal year and fiscal policy principles;
- general Policy and Budget priority to be used as reference for all state ministries/ Institutions in preparing the proposed budget.
Commissions and state ministries/institutions old Working Meeting and or Hearing to discuss the work plan and budget of the state ministries/institutions
B. Discussion of the Bill regarding APBN
The President delivers a Preliminary Address of Bill regarding the State Budget together with its Statement of Account and the supporting documents in the Plenary Meeting of the DPR and if the President is unable to attend, the Preliminary Address is delivered by the Vice President.
During the Plenary Meeting of the DPR, before entering the discussion of Level I Deliberation, Factions are given the opportunity to deliver their genera1 debate with regard to the APBIV Bill along with the Statement of Account thereof.
Further discussion and settlement of the APBN Bill and the Statement of Account thereof are conducted in Level II Deliberation and Level II Deliberation with the following additional provisions :
- Working Meeting is held by the Commission and the Government to discuss the allocation of program, project and activity budgets of the State Ministries Institutions; and
- Working Meeting for final settlement of Bill regarding APBIV is held by the Budget Committee and the Government as well as Bank Indonesia with due observance of Factions' general debates, responses of the Government as well as recommendations and opinions of the Steering Committee and Commissions.
The discussion of the Bill regarding APBN and the Statement of Account thereof must be completed by no later than two months prior to the commencement of the relevant fiscal year.