Prior to assuming his/her position, a Member of Parliament shall take oath/promise:
"In the name of Allah (God) I swear: that I will do my best to fulfill my obligations as Member of the House of Representatives to the best of my ability and with fairness; that I will firmly uphold Pancasila and enforce the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and laws and regulations; that I will further uphold democratic life and serve nation and the State; that I will strive hard to reach the aspiration of the people I represent so as to realize national goals for the benefits of the nation and the State of the Republic of Indonesia."
The term of office of each Member of the House shall be five years and expire at the time as new Members swear their oath.
Members of the House may resign during term of office in the following events:
- Decease;
- Resignation as a Member upon his or her own written resign;
- and proposed by the political party concerned.
Whereas, Members of Parliament may be terminated during the term in the following events:
- Inability to perform tasks for an extended period or in permanent: impediment;
- Failure to continue fulfilling the requirements of a Member candidate as set out in the General Elections Law;
- Breach of oath, Code of Ethics and/or non-performance ,of obligation as a Member based upon the result of inspection by the Conduct Council;
- Commission of a breach of the provisions regarding concurrent positions as set out by the prevailing laws and regulations;
- Being declared guilty by a court order which has entered full and permanent legal force for crime subject to a minimum imprisonment of 5 (five) years.
Members who resign or are terminated during term of office shall be replaced by the substitute candidate pursuant to the provisions of laws and regulations. The House leadership shall convey to the General Elections Commission names of the terminated Members and names of the substitutes proposed by the management of the political party concerned at national level for verification.